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Uniform Requirements


desa logo


DESA Uniform Requirements 

Dallas Environmental Science Academy is meticulous about the appearance of our students. Since there are so many amazing things happening at DESA, many of our Eagles get the opportunity to represent us in a variety of ways both on and off campus. Therefore, a daily, neat appearance is a critical expectation at DESA. Our school's uniform policies are as follows. Please note that the DESA school logo is NOT REQUIRED for school uniform SHIRTS. It is only OPTIONAL.  However, the logo is REQUIRED on all OUTERWEAR.



Uniform dress code



uniform dress code long sleeves


DESA is partnered Levines Uniform Headquarters, a company that provides our school logo for uniform attire.  Items may be ordered online and purchased in-store at your convenience. Please visit the Levines Store website for more information: Dallas Environmental Science Academy   

levines flyer