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Steps For Applying

Steps for Applying

  1. Apply online at                                                                             (Select Dallas Environmental Science Academy as your 1st choice)
  2. Upload the required documents (report card, test scores, proof of address, IEP/504 plans, if applicable.)
o Most recent report card
o MAP scores (request from your elementary school counselor)
o Proof of residency o Utility bill (gas, electric or water)
o Current lease
o Home Title 
3.Applications will be reviewed from November 1st through January 31st:
4. Applicants who meet the GPA and test score eligibility will be deemed 'Eligible' and will move forward to the campus assessment, scheduled by the magnet school. 
                         Applicants who do not meet the GPA and test score eligibility will be deemed 'Ineligible' and will not move forward in the application process. 
5. You may change or edit your school selections and rank choices until January 31st.
6. Offer and wait list notifications will be sent via email by March 1st.
7. Deadline to accept or decline seat is March 17th.
8. Registration to the accepted school begins April 1st.

For more information on the DISD Magnet Process 

Ready to Apply to DESA?