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Math Department

Acquiring the mathematics knowledge and skills necessary to be college and workforce ready. 

Math Teachers:

  • Ms. Roach- 6th Grade Math Honors 
  • Mr. Le- 7th Grade Math Honors 
  • Ms. Kim-  8th Grade Algebra I Honors 
Math Lessons Videos and math practice for K-12th grades.
Think Through Math Math lessons and practice problems with live tutors. For all subject areas for K-12
Launching into Expressions and Equations You will use your math skills of expressions and equations, as well as scientific notation, to help you lift off into great adventures!
Math Games Variety of math games that focus on math computation
Math Can Take You Places a joint project of KERA and Travelocity that uses real-life travel scenarios to make math fun for kids in grades three to six. Visit each section to explore hands-on classroom materials and fun math games to try at home.